📗 Biblical Hebrew online (free course) ….LIMITED PLACES….

📗 Starting in January this 10 week online course gives you a taster of what it would be like to learn a Biblical Language and provides a simple introduction to the key features of Hebrew.

👉 It opens up some of the issues that translators are faced with, to provide deeper insight into English Bible versions. It will offer a richer understanding of key biblical terms that are rooted in a cultural context. And it will offer a taster of the more demanding task of learning the languages.

👩‍💻 Although this course is free we do ask for donations to keep our free courses viable https://staugustinescollege.ac.uk/fundraising-at-st-augustines-college/tattersall-bursary-fund/

👉 To book your place fill out this form: https://staugustinescollege.ac.uk/theology-study/biblical-languages/applying-for-biblical-languages/

👉 Find out more about Biblical Languages for Fun by watching a video from Revd Dr Simon Stocks, the course lecturer: https://youtu.be/zx1YsZ_752M