Lorraine Turner
“What we have come to know we must remember, and what we remember we must tell’ (Miroslav Volf, Exclusion and Embrace 1996). The Church is not perfect but it can learn. For me research and reflection within the context of practical theology is the opportunity to take greater responsibility for the quality of our knowing, remembering and telling. In doing this we support the Church in being an ever more faithful partner with God in the building of the kingdom.”
For four days each week Lorraine is vicar of St. Mary’s, Platt. Throughout her ministry she has maintained a balance between academic theology and parish experience. Her early work ‘Good practice in the curate/incumbent relationship’ found fruition in her doctoral research exploring clergy’s interpretation of experiences of bullying in the course of their ministry.
Lorraine was the rector of a rural benefice of nine churches for ten years and before that worked for ten years as a science teacher specializing in physics.