Barnabas Palfrey
Tutor in Christian Spirituality
Barnabas’s PhD awarded in 2014 from Oxford University concerned the work of North American Roman Catholic theologian, David Tracy (bn 1939). He is currently co-editing a book of essays about Tracy’s work, Beyond The Analogical Imagination: The Theological Vision of David Tracy (CUP, hopefully 2022). From 2012-19, Barnabas helped lead the MA in Christian Spirituality at Sarum College, specialising in modern and philosophical approaches as well as with a gathering interest in pre-modern Christian spirituality and theology. He has been a teacher at St Augustine’s on and off since perhaps 2017, at MA and BA level. As of March 2022, his main paid employment has been for a couple of years as a Social Prescriber in NHS Primary Care. He is looking forward to returning more fully to academic research and teaching.