James Hollingsworth
Tutor in Church History and Ecclesiastical Law
James is a quiet village vicar who likes watching ‘Firefly’ with his teenage children and teaching Scouts to do archery.
He was recently accidentally elected to General Synod having done a turn on DAC (Diocesan Advisory Committee – exists to get you dreaming bigger dreams about changing your worship space, legally.) These two experiences, along with being a wedding surrogate (helping couples with wedding legalities) would suggest that he’s interested in ecclesial law but his pretentious way of talking about Patristics betrays this.
If you need to keep the conversation going ask him about the apocryphal book of Judith as that was what his MA dissertation was on and whether his dreams of a PhD on the Hermeneutics of First Clement are realistic. At heart he’s a deeply committed Platonist, or Narnian. Lucy his wife, recently ordained SSM priest, having trained through St Augustine’s (then called SEITE) has the gift of interpreting feedback forms.