Jordan Dyck
Tutor in New Testament Greek
Jordan Dyck began teaching New Testament Greek at St Augustine’s College in 2022, and currently teaches Biblical and Classical languages in various settings, including at London City Lit and through his webpage, www.learnnewtestamentgreek.com. He also lectures philosophy at Staffordshire University, and has previously lectured theology at Oasis College Waterloo.
He studied theology and biblical studies at Mattersey Hall Bible College (University of Wales) and Durham University, before doing a PhD in philosophy at Staffordshire University with a thesis on Jacques Lacan and St Paul. His research interests focus on the intersections of psychoanalysis, continental philosophy and biblical studies.
Jordan has also had a career in end of life, dementia and spiritual care, including as director of an end of life care improvement programme at a nursing home, spiritual care director, and various roles with Alzheimer’s Society. He is vice chair of the board of directors at the Metropolitan Community Church of North London, and is slowly pursuing ordination with that denomination. There he also led a research project on the issues facing LGBT African asylum seekers to the UK, with a focus on how faith interacts with the asylum seeking process. He lives in deepest South London, and enjoys board games and jazz in his spare time.
Online Publications
- Finding Lacan: St Paul and the Paradox of Juissance, 2017 (doctoral thesis, Staffordshire University). Available at https://eprints.staffs.ac.uk/3464/
- LGBT African Asylum Seeker Research Project, 2019 (research project funded by the Big Lottery Fund and supported by the Metropolitan Community Church of North London, Rainbow Migration and the Enfield LGBT Network). Available online at http://mccnorthlondon.org.uk/support-for-asylum-seekers/
Conference Presentations
- ‘Otherness, Event and Catholic Exclusivity’, at conference ‘Catholicism and Critical Theory’, Durham University, April 2014.
- ‘Badiou and the Event of Pauline Theology’ at conference ‘St Paul in Continental Philosophy’, Staffordshire University, June 2014.
- A summary of the above can be found in Matthew Harris, ‘Conference Report: “St. Paul in Continental Philosophy” Staffordshire University, 6 June 2014,’ International Journal of Badiou Studies, vol. 4 no. 1 (2015), 105-122.
- ‘Psychoanalytic Structures and Pasolini’s Antifa Saint’, Society of European Philosophy annual conference (online), October 2020.