Buki Fatona
Research Fellow
After an initial BSc in Microbiology, I came to realise that my main interests lie not only in the scientific categorisation and manipulation of phenomena, but also in asking ontological questions concerning those phenomena. As a result, I undertook a BA in Theology as a second degree. In the dissertation for the BA in Theology, I attempted a definition of Homo sapiens that wove together scientific, philosophical and theological understandings of what being human consists in. Following on from this, in my dissertation for an MSc in Epistemology, Ethics and Philosophy of Mind at the University of Edinburgh, I asserted that a common mechanism undergirds human memory and prediction: both being constructive in nature.
A former Londoner, I now live in Oxford undertaking a Doctorate in the intersect of cognitive neuroscience, philosophy of mind and theology at the University of Oxford. The doctorate, supervised by Professor Alister McGrath, nicely brings together my key areas of interest. I blog aspects of my research at http://www.theoeklektik.blogspot.com/
‘Breaching the Borders of Perceptual Experience via Transcendent Imagination’ to give at the Society for the Study of Theology conference, University of Warwick (Postponed to April 2021)
‘Imagining the Unseen: abstract art and faith propositions’ given at Theology, Creativity and the Arts conference, Margaret Beaufort Institute, University of Cambridge (July 2019).
‘Miracles and Armstrongian Laws: Are miracles consistent with David Armstrong’s necessitarian account on laws of nature?’ given at the Society for the Study of Theology conference, University of Nottingham (April 2018)