A Cloud of Witnesses
Taking inspiration from people of the Old Testament
Since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight and the sin that clings so closely and let us run with perseverance the race that is set before us. [Hebrews 12.1]
What can we learn from the witness of people like Abraham and Sarah, Jeremiah, Job, Naomi and Ruth about the shape of God’s invitation to us? Their journeys, struggles, hopes and prayers are not so different from our own.
What of the hidden people whose names we hardly know and yet on whom our own faith rests?
In this series we look back to faith journeys within the Jewish tradition – the rock from which our own religious traditions are hewn. What wisdom might we discover for our own times?
- April 18th Abraham and Sarah: Too late for adventure?
- April 25th Job and his comforters: A voice from the whirlwind
- May 2nd ‘Those who begat… (and those who didn’t): The ‘story-less’ people of the Hebrew Scriptures’
- May 9th Jeremiah: The unwilling prophet
- May 16th Naomi and Ruth: Of love and friendship
Led by Harriet Johnson and Chris Chapman