Get a taste of an MA-level classroom experience with this 15-minute sample lecture from Biblical Studies specialist Rev Dr Simon Stocks.
About the MA programme
Validated by Durham University, the MA in Theology, Ministry and Mission is available for you to study via three distinct pathways.
- The ‘Christian Spirituality’ MA pathway
- The ‘Theology for a Planet in Crisis‘ MA pathway
- The ‘Ordained Ministry‘ MA pathway
If you’re interested in studying the Ordained Ministry MA pathway, visit our ordination training course page.
Otherwise, read on to learn about the ‘Christian Spirituality’ and ‘Theology for a Planet in Crisis‘ MA pathways.
‘Christian Spirituality’ MA Pathway
Explore diverse perspectives on Christian Spirituality, from historical to contemporary.
You’ll study subjects like liturgy, the arts and interfaith dialogue while developing your own spiritual practice and learning to guide others in theirs.
This MA pathway includes the following modules:
- Texts and Traditions in Christian Spirituality (Level 6)
- Contemporary Spirituality in Historical Context
- Liturgy and Spirituality
- Patterns of Spiritual Growth and Personal Transformation
- Research and Reflection: Resources and Methods
- Spiritual Direction
- Dissertation in Theology, Ministry and Mission
Module availability may vary every year, but our staff will guide you on your options and tailored pathways during the admissions process.
Chris Chapman talks about his spirituality module.
Watch a sample lecture and find out what kinds of exciting subjects you’ll study as part of this pathway.
‘Theology for a Planet in Crisis’ MA pathway (subject to approval)
This new pathway, delivered in partnership with St John’s Waterloo, allows you to explore in theological depth what is perhaps the most critical issue of our time: the environmental and climate crises faced by our planet, including the unequal distribution of consequences across the globe.
You’ll explore pressing questions about what responses these crises require of us – practical as well as intellectual and spiritual. You’ll engage with the natural sciences as well as theological disciplines, including Ethics, Biblical Theology, Christian Spirituality and Christian Doctrine.
In studying this pathway, you’ll also be invited to make a long-term personal commitment to be more faithfully attuned and responsive to this crisis. To support this, you’ll take part in placements with organisations working in areas of ecological concern (e.g., environmental mission, climate activism).
Classes and seminars will take place at St John’s Waterloo, an iconic church in the heart of London. This newly renovated cultural touchstone boasts excellent teaching facilities and is home to a congregation and ministry team committed to ecologically focussed mission.
This MA pathway includes the following modules:
- Christian Faith and the Environment – including initial short placement
- Contemporary Spirituality in Historical Context
- Research and Reflection: Resources and Methods
- Science and Faith (Level 6) or Advanced Topic in Christian Doctrine (depending on previous study)
- Issues in Biblical Theology
- Reflective Practice Placement – including main placement
- Dissertation in Theology, Ministry and Mission
Your fellow students
At St Augustine’s, you’ll learn and challenge yourself alongside your fellow students, exchanging knowledge and insight to enrich your own study experience.
You’ll share your classrooms with a range of people from all walks of life pursuing theological study for their own reasons. Many of our students choose to study with us in order to:
- enrich their understanding of their Christian faith
- undergo training for licensed lay ministry
- engage in study to better serve Christ in their daily lives.
Whatever your reason for studying, you will do so as part of our distinct and valued learning community.
St Augustine’s students and faculty chat about the rich diversity of the college, and what it means to them.
Frequently asked questions

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Take the next step on your journey into studying theology.
Need help or have a question? Contact our admissions team for further assistance.