On the 29th of November, we launch our next retreat which is led by Luigi Gioia. Luigi has recently joined us as an associate tutor with a specialisation in spirituality and history. He has had a great deal of experience in spiritual direction and in leading retreats, so we’re very much looking forward to this new, four week programme. His themes tie in with the Advent season, so some of you might like to make the retreat the focus of an Advent group in your church. The sessions are ‘Waiting’, ‘Watching’, ‘Rejoicing’, and ‘Consoling’. See here for a short introduction on the retreat from Luigi.
To access Luigi’s retreat please log in or register here in the normal way. Please feel free to share….
Luigi has published a book on monasticism. For further details see https://canterburypress.hymnsam.co.uk/books/9781786223098/the-wisdom-of-st-benedict
I hope you enjoy Luigi’s guidance for Advent.