When you’ve decided to study theology at university level, the next big decision you’ll need to make is where to study.
We want to help you explore your options and find a theology college that meets your every need – not just academically, but personally, too.
Here are some useful consideration and suggestions you can use to help you in your search for a theology college.
Does the theology college offer flexible study options?
Unless you’re fresh out of sixth form and getting ready to leave home for university, you’re probably going to be considering how you’ll balance study with day-to-day life.
Whether you’re aiming to continue working as you study or you need to plan learning around family life, you’ll need a theology college that offers different ways to study.
Here are some of the ways St Augustine’s College of Theology accommodates our students – especially those looking for flexible study options.
Study theology part-time
Part-time study options are available for almost all our degree programs. Part-time study pathways allow you to stretch your studies out, meaning you have fewer topics to cover in a single term.
As a part-time student, you’ll study the same subject matter as the rest of your peers, but you’ll complete your studies over a longer period of time. Part-time students typically attend fewer classes on a week-by-week basis and don’t need to put aside as much time to study.
This flexibility allows you to plan your learning around your day-to-day responsibilities.
Study theology at our London campus, Kent campus, or online classes
As a theology student at St Augustine’s, you have a choice of locations when it comes to deciding where to attend classes.
As a theology student at St Augustine’s, you have a choice of locations when it comes to deciding where to attend classes.
Choose from:
- Fortnightly Friday teaching days at our leafy West Malling campus in rural Kent
- Weekly Monday evening classes at our handy central London Southwark campus
Depending on the course you choose, you can even attend class remotely via online classes every Wednesday evening.
Depending on your course and level of study, you may be able to attend some classes online, via Zoom.
The new Online Certificate of Higher Education (CertHE) in Theology, Ministry and Mission, for example, allows you to study theology completely remotely.
Flexibility with assignments and deadlines
As part of your studies, you will be expected to complete a certain number of assignments each term, within set deadlines.
However, many of our students are balancing study with ongoing responsibilities like work and family. Therefore, we maintain a culture of understanding when it comes to assignment deadlines!
Life happens, and when our students come up against unexpected challenges or personal circumstances, we make sure there’s scope to adjust course requirements.
Our tutors are here to discuss any concerns students might have, and to help manage their commitments.
Does the theology college provide student support measures?

Studying theology can be a powerful, spiritually transformative experience. But it’s also a big commitment – and, potentially, a source of challenge.
If you’re brand new to studying at university-level or if it’s been a while since you wrote an essay, you may want to look at whether your chosen theology college offers support in that area.
At St Augustine’s, we’ve placed a huge emphasis on supporting our students – whether with ongoing pastoral guidance or help with study skills – so they can get the most from their academic experience.
Help with study skills and theology essay writing
As part of our student support services, our students have the option of refining their study skills with Suzy Gregory, our specialist Tutor for Writing, Study Skills and Singing.
Suzy works with students on a one-to-one basis, helping them to overcome challenges like:
- getting their ideas for assignments on paper
- learning how to write in an academic style
- planning and structuring academic essays
- developing study strategies that work for them.
Support for neurodivergent theology students
We provide specialist support for students who are neurodivergent or have learning differences.
Led by Suzy and guided by her specialist pedagogical experience, we can work with students to help them engage more fully with their academic learning.
Alongside ongoing coaching in study skills, we also offer flexibility in completing assignments for students who may require more time to successfully meet a deadline.
Pastoral support for all students
The St Augustine’s staff, faculty and student support team are all available to offer students help and guidance.
Whether students are questioning their faith, experiencing a spiritual challenge, or facing difficult personal circumstances, we are here to talk and offer support and help where needed.
What is the theology college’s student community like?

Just because you won’t be bunking with your classmates on campus, doesn’t mean you don’t need to carefully consider whether a college’s student community is right for you.
One thing you may wish to consider is whether you see yourself represented in the theology college’s current community.
For example, if you’re a student in your fifties with a family and a mortgage, you might not feel completely comfortable in a cohort of mostly 20-somethings.
“When I visited the St Augustine’s campus and spent time there, I noticed that most of the students were like me – mature, with life experience. I knew I’d fit in there, and that the part-time study pattern would fit with my NHS and academic work.”
– Ollie, Part-time ordained ministry student
Everyone deserves to feel welcomed and included when starting a new learning journey.
At St Augustine’s, we’re lucky enough to have people from all kinds of backgrounds and Church traditions in our classrooms.
Our students find that having people from varied walks of life to study alongside improves their learning experience and expands their thinking.
“The college’s flexibility is perfect when meeting the needs of diverse peoples; the welcome I received made crossing the threshold far less frightening, and it’s a welcome that can be seen from all those involved in the college community.”
Feedback from the 2022 New Student Induction Survey
We’re very proud of our diverse learning community at St Augustine’s – it’s one of the many reasons we love celebrating our students.
We work hard to ensure we’re a safe and inclusive college, where students can share their viewpoint without fear of being misunderstood or dismissed.
Similarly, we protect and uplift our diverse student community and the individuals who make it what it is. We do not tolerate reductive or harmful rhetoric.
The best way to assess a theology college’s community is to meet the people who are part of it. We encourage all prospective students to join us for an open day-style taster event so they can chat to current students.
Does the theology college offer financial support options?
The fact is, while studying theology is an incredibly exciting undertaking, it comes with a significant financial commitment.
While you may have the funds to cover your course fees already in hand, it’s worth considering whether a theology college offers financial aid.
St Augustine’s, for example, offers a bursary fund to offer financial aid to students who might otherwise not be able to engage in study.
The Tattersall Bursary Fund is open to all St Augustine’s students (the exception being those who are undertaking taster terms) to help cover the costs of study.
We understand that for many, one’s finances can be a delicate topic. Our funding application process is discreet and non-intrusive – you’re not required to share extensive evidence to prove you would benefit from financial support.
Choosing the theology college that’s right for you
We hope these points of consideration will prove useful to you in your search. It’s an important decision and not one to be made lightly.
While we do admit to certain biases (we would, after all, love to welcome you into our student community!) we pray that you find somewhere to study theology that truly resonates with you.
If you’d like to visit either of our campuses (or join us virtually), we’d love for you to attend one of our taster events at a date and time that suits you, so you can see what it’s like to study at St Augustine’s College of Theology.