Welcome to the application page for those applying to train for licensed lay ministry at St Augustine’s College of Theology. We look forward to receiving your application and welcoming you into our community of lay readers, ordinands, and students.

What you need to submit your application

In order to successfully complete the application form, please ensure you have the following information ready:

  • Your required personal data (see this page for details)
  • (If relevant) details of your English Language Proficiency Test
  • A passport-style photo of yourself
  • Details of your emergency contact, including their name and phone number
  • A list of your academic and/or professional qualifications and experience
  • (If relevant) details of any required learning support and/or dietary requirements
  • Your congregation information, including contact information for the minister/incumbent of the Church you attend
Please complete the application form to the best of your ability. If you would like to ask a question about the application process or access help and support, please get in touch with our team.

Please note that all information fields are required unless stated otherwise. You will receive email confirmation of your submission once you’ve included all relevant information and selected “submit” on the final page of the application.