![Easter People Audio Retreat Week 1 [Spring flowers by a stream] A photgraph of a stream taken on a bright sunny day, reflecting the trees and blue sky above. The stream is lined with green leafy plantlife that's dotted with small white flowers.](https://staugustinescollege.ac.uk/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/Easter-People-Audio-Retreat-Week-1-Spring-flowers-by-a-stream.jpg)
Easter People Audio Retreat
To celebrate the Easter’s message of hope and renewal, St Augustine’s College of Theology has released a special four-part audio retreat themed around the people of Easter.
Written and produced by Christian Spirituality tutor Chris Chapman, this series explores four stories from scripture in the days following Christ’s resurrection.
If you’re new to this retreat, a very warm welcome! You can listen to each episode via the links below. You can also download a PDF resource for prayer and reflection for each episode, alongside each episode’s transcript.
We hope you enjoy your listening experience and find a few moments of peace and reflection.
Episode 1 – Mary Magdalene at the Garden Tomb
![Easter People Audio Retreat Week 1 [Spring flowers by a stream] A photgraph of a stream taken on a bright sunny day, reflecting the trees and blue sky above. The stream is lined with green leafy plantlife that's dotted with small white flowers.](https://staugustinescollege.ac.uk/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/Easter-People-Audio-Retreat-Week-1-Spring-flowers-by-a-stream.jpg)
Mary, lost and confused, is sitting alone in the garden tomb when the unimaginable happens – she hears Jesus call her by name.
In one moment, all the pain she carries is transcended by Christ’s presence and her own naming. In this first episode of the Easter People audio retreat, listeners are invited to reflect on the experience of Mary and the transformative joy she feels upon realising that Jesus has returned to life.
As narrator Chris Chapman reflects during this uplifting and soulful audio retreat, Mary’s experience mirrors our own during moments of profound change.
Explore how the gentle calling of one’s own name, heard in a single moment, can become a gift to savour forever.
Episode 2 – On the road to Emmaus

This episode begins with a short retelling of the two friends walking on the road to Emmaus [Luke 24.13-35].
The two friends feel troubled; heartbroken at the recent crucifixion of their Lord, and confused by rumours of his return. They are soon joined by a stranger, who walks with them and encourages their spirits.
At nightfall, upon breaking bread with the stranger, they realise he is none other than Jesus, their beloved Lord.
This episode focuses on the theme of journeying and walking. Chris invites listeners to reflect on the meditative nature of putting one foot in front of the other, or journeying from one place to another at a walking pace.
Episode 3 – Jesus enters the locked room

The disciples were gathered together behind a locked door when Jesus appears among them.
Confused and afraid for their safety, they had retreated into a small room and barred the door. Perhaps they only realised their Lord had joined them when they heard him say, “Peace be with you.”
After breathing on each of them so they received the Holy Spirit, he sends them on their way, out into the light of a new morning.
In this audio retreat, we think about our perceptions of ourselves. We imagine how we might question, challenge or refresh these perceptions – recognising that the door is unlocked and the world is open to us.
Episode 4 – On the shores of the sea

In the final episode of the Easter People audio retreat, we reflect on the story of Simon Peter, who is fishing when he hears Jesus call his name from the shore.
Awe-struck, Simon Peter dives into the sea and swims to shore – heading straight for the man he had thrice denied after the Last Supper. Imagine how he might have felt in that moment – joy, confusion, wonder, and trepidation.
But then Jesus turns to him and simply says, “Come and have breakfast.”
It is this fantastic blend of awe-inspiring and ordinary that we meditate on in this episode. The poet George Herbert described it as “Heaven in ordinary”; the wonder of an everyday moment.
Discover more audio retreats from St Augustine’s
If you’ve enjoyed this audio retreat and would like to discover more, you can explore previous series and listen to new episodes now.
Recent retreats include the five-episode audio retreat series on the theme of Lent, which takes inspiration from iconic locations in the Lentern story. Travel from Egypt, through the wilderness, across the Mountain of God, along the Jordan River, and arrive in the Promised Land.
About St Augustine’s audio retreats
Our audio retreats are designed for anyone, whether they’re familiar with scripture or just looking for a moment of meditative peace in a hectic world. You don’t need to a student of theology to enjoy and benefit from listening.
First imagined during 2020 and the UK-wide lockdown in light of the coronavirus, the project was helmed by Christian Spirituality tutor, Chris Chapman. Our audio retreats gave listeners the opportunity to take a profound journey or create a private oasis of introspection.
Wherever you are in life, you’re always welcome to take a prayerful audio retreat journey with St Augustine’s College of Theology.