'A Cloud of Witnesses' What can we learn from the witness of people like Abraham and Sarah, Jeremiah, Job, Naomi and Ruth about the shape of God's invitation to us? Their journeys, [...]
A Cloud of Witnesses Taking inspiration from people of the Old Testament Since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight and the sin [...]
We are very much hoping to continue the online retreats next year and even expand the programme. We would therefore be very grateful if you could kindly fill in this very short [...]
Prayer and Movement Adventures in Prayer Week 5 prayer and reflection exercises
Prayer of Contemplation Adventures in Prayer contemplation exercises
Adventures in Prayer provides the opportunity to explore what prayer is, the many different forms it can take and ways of overcoming the barriers that might have made growth in prayer difficult [...]
This week Father Luigi Gioia, talks about Prayer of Contemplation as a way of welcoming the transforming power of God’s love in our lives.