Over the past 20 years, Fr Luigi Gioia has been actively involved in a variety of contexts: academia (Oxford, the Pontifical University of S. Anselmo in Rome, Cambridge, St John Collegeville, MN, [...]
In this week’s praying the parables Chris talks about the Night which belongs to the rhythm of our lives every bit as much as day. The book of Genesis describes God creating [...]
Chris Chapman talks about when lockdown happened, and we were all thrown out of our routines, St Augustine’s hosted a series of online retreats exploring how we meet God in this experience. [...]
Please find below the audio resource and accompanying pdf here.
The Parables of Jesus reveal how we are always walking on holy ground, where the living word of God is being sown within our lives. Rather than define truth in a statement, [...]
We were delighted that so many of you appreciated our trilogy of online retreats, each responding in a slightly different way to the anxieties, griefs, and bewilderments of the global pandemic. On [...]