Preparing for ministry through ordination

Formational training for ordained ministry

Answering a call to ministry can be a deeply profound experience.

Choosing the right place to start your lifelong ministerial formation is a pivotal decision.

As a St Augustine’s ordinand, you’ll experience a spiritually rich programme of ministerial education and formation – blending academic study with hands-on training.

Tim, an ordinand at St. Augustine’s College of Theology, shares how he’s benefited from studying at both of the college’s campuses.

Georges Iskandar shares his experiences moving from independent studies to formational training at St Augustine’s.

Ministerial training that blends academic study with practical experience

As an ordinand starting your journey to ordained ministry, you will engage in a rich programme of theological learning.

We provide a range of qualifications – all validated by Durham University as part of the Church of England’s Common Awards partnership – that suit most levels of academic experience.

Engage in academic study of subjects like:

  • Biblical Studies, where you’ll explore critical approaches to Scripture

  • Reflective Practice, Ministry and Mission, to understand theology in a range of contexts

  • Christian Spirituality, examining voices from the spiritual tradition through an academic lens

  • Doctrine and Church History, where you’ll compare historical and modern takes on theology.

Discover what it’s like to study at St Augustine’s

Come along to one of our open-day style taster events. Meet the staff, chat with fellow students, sit in on classes, and join us in worshipping together.

Placements and practical learning

Alongside your academic learning, you’ll take part in exciting and spiritually compelling placements.

From establishing yourself in a new church community to helping busy chaplains in hospitals or prisons, you can experience a wide variety of placements and mission projects.

These placements allow you to put theoretical learning into practice, and you’ll develop your leadership skills with the support of your tutors.

When you finish training, you will have the knowledge and wisdom to minister across a range of missions, from parochial to pioneer.

Raymond Baudon, the Assistant Diocesan Director of Ordinands for the Diocese of Southwark, explores ordination training options.

Ministry training, your way

Your academic studies are just the start of your journey as an ordinand.

Non-residential training

Many ordinands answer a call to become ordained later in life.

A non-residential approach means you can train without having to move away from your home and family. Choose from evening classes at our London city centre campus or teaching days at our rural Kent campus, with the option to attend classes online.

Flexible study pathways to suit you

Whether you’re a working professional, a parent, or someone with a busy lifestyle, we can give you the flexibility and support you need to succeed in your theological education.

Choose part-time ordinand study to balance learning with work and family. Or opt for the full-time mixed-mode study pathway for deeper church involvement with an ongoing placement.

Experience our diverse student community

You will train alongside ordinands from all walks of life and Church of England traditions.

By making friends with and learning from students who have diverse ecclesiastical backgrounds, your own ministerial formation will flourish.

Supporting you to study

To help you adjust to and enjoy your academic studies and practical ministerial training, our student support team is always on hand.

You can access mentoring to improve your study skills, get pastoral and spiritual support when you need it, and take part in vocal training so you can lead worship with confidence.

Find your training pathway

Explore our range of training and education pathways for people answering the call to ministry.

Training for ministry

Discover the kind of leader you can become through spiritually rigorous and formational ministerial training.

“I think we’re becoming a very different sort of Church; that’s our challenge right now, and it’s one I feel equipped to face because I trained at St Augustine’s.”

Ordinand at St Augustine’s

Training for Anglican Ordained Ministry

Experience your own theological and ministerial formation through ordination training.

Studying after ordination

Perfect for ordained deacons or priests looking to deepen their theological knowledge and continue their formation into curacy.

Student studying at St Augustine's

Postgraduate study in Theology, Ministry and Mission

Deepen your faith with MA-level theological learning.

The Discernment process

Do you have questions about the discernment process?

Reach out to us and start a conversation.

We also warmly invite you to meet us on campus; talk to staff and current ordinands, join us in daily worship, and find out what ordination training may be like for you in the future.

We’ve also written a series of blog posts describing the discernment process in more detail. We hope you find them useful!

“I expected to find a diverse student body at St Augustine’s but I’ve been delighted to find even more variety than I imagined. Amidst the differences, there is a common commitment to grappling with thorny issues and growing in the knowledge and love of God.”

Duncan Gray

St Augustine’s ordinand training part-time

Interested in studying theology?

If you’re considering other routes to theological study, aside from ordination or licensed lay ministry training, why not find out which course might suit you?