Welcome to our alumni community

At St Augustine’s, we are privileged to serve the Church’s mission by offering a profound and formative theological education.

But it’s our people—our students and alumni—who are the true heart and soul of our community.

Whether you joined us as an ordinand, lay reader or theology student, you are an irreplaceable part of St Augustine’s.

We look forward to supporting your continued friendship and formation, and as always, we hold you in our prayers.

Theology students enjoy a discussion in the grounds of Malling Abbey in Kent on an induction day.

Connect with and uplift your alumni community

As a member of our amazing community of alumni, there are plenty of ways you can connect with and support the college.

From learning about the latest free audio retreat to keeping up with what’s happening on campus, our email newsletter is a brilliant way to stay in touch.

By signing up for this free e-newsletter today, you’re not only keeping yourself in the loop – you’re strengthening our community and supporting everything we do here.

Sign up to our newsletter today.

Are you an alumni of St Augustine’s? Have you ever studied with us or taken part in a college event? If so, we’re asking you to update your contact details so we have your correct contact information.

Update your contact details securely via our website or get in touch with the team on 01732 252 656 to update your details over the phone.

Please note we will never share your contact details with anyone outside our organisation. You can read our data protection policy for more information.

Everyone deserves to follow their calling to study theology, whatever their financial situation.

As a member of our alumni community, you’ll understand more than anyone the value of studying theology.

As a college, we are dedicated to providing financial support to new and existing theology students; folks who would not be able to afford to study without financial aid. Alongside our own fundraising efforts, we rely on donations from our incredible college community to make this happen.

Help us ensure no one has to put aside their calling to study theology because of financial hardship. Donate to our student support fund today and uplift the next generation of theology scholars.

Donate to support students via JustGiving.


If you had a positive, formational, or spiritually stretching experience at Augustine’s College of Theology, we want to hear from you.
When someone is deciding where to train for ministry or study theology, they naturally want to hear from people who’ve been there, done that, and got the degree. By sharing stories from members of our incredible alumni community, we can celebrate what makes the college special – by listening to the people who know exactly what it’s like to study or train with us.
By sharing your experience of studying at St Augustine’s with us, you’ll be providing us with one of the most precious things we could ask for; your story.

Share your story with St Augustine’s today.

Your experience as an alumnus of St Augustine’s is invaluable.

By signing up to be an alumni speaker, you’ll be donating your precious time and experience to inspire the next generation of St Augustine’s students.

One of the best ways to learn about what it’s like to study theology or train for ministry is to ask someone with first-hand experience. As an alumni guest speaker, you’ll be volunteering to chat with prospective students and (if you’re comfortable doing so) speaking at one or more of our taster events.

Sign up to become an alumni speaker and share your story.

As a member of our alumni or wider college community, we’re asking whether you might consider leaving a legacy gift in your Will for St Augustine’s student support fund.

We would be more than happy to chat with you about this option, and offering guidance on how you can go about setting this up.

To learn more about leaving a legacy to the college in your Will, please contact the team on 01732 252 656 or send an email to office@staugustinescollege.ac.uk.

Are you interested in building on your study experience and pursuing an MA in theology?

As a member of our college alumni community, we’re offering you a generous discount to enroll with us and study theology at MA level.

To learn more, get in touch with the team on 01732 252 656 or email us at admissions@staugustinescollege.ac.uk.

Stories from St Augustine’s

Over the last five decades, alumni of St Augustine’s have successfully completed their ordination training, pursued their calling to become Lay Readers, or graduated with a degree in theology.

You can read some of their stories here, and interviews with college staff and tutors.

Share your learning or training journey with us

Help inspire future students by sharing your journey of studying at St. Augustine’s.

From reflecting on your experience of studying on campus to revealing where your studies have taken you since graduation, we want to hear it all – and crucially, share your story with the people who need to hear it.

Whether you graduated back when we were known as ‘Southwark Ordination Course’ or you’re just wrapping up your studies this year, we would be deeply grateful to you for sharing your story with us and future generations of St Augustine’s students.