From Luigi Gioia’s talk: Through Scripture God looks for us, waits for us, comes to visit us behind our closed doors to wrestle with our doubts about him; is not put off [...]
We are delighted to invite you to St Augustine's Carols online!! And Christmas raffle..... As ever, all proceeds to the Tattersall bursary fund.
Some of you will have rosy memories of the last round of Universally Challenged, the quiz show that shows just how maniacally competitive Christians can be when they let themselves go. Here [...]
Audio recording week 1 Please click here for the accompanying pdf resource sheet. As ever any queries please email
On the 29th of November, we launch our next retreat which is led by Luigi Gioia. Luigi has recently joined us as an associate tutor with a specialisation in spirituality and history. [...]
We have three audio retreats running this year: Seasons of the Spirit: exploring how God is active within the changing seasons of our lives. Inclining the Ear of the Heart: hearing and discerning [...]
If studying theology seems too big a step to take and you're not certain that is for you, then join us for a 'taster module' (£125). See here for further details.
Over the past 20 years, Fr Luigi Gioia has been actively involved in a variety of contexts: academia (Oxford, the Pontifical University of S. Anselmo in Rome, Cambridge, St John Collegeville, MN, [...]