An online reflective morning led by Kate Monkhouse “Love God, and love your neighbour as yourself” Jesus told us. What if our everyday encounters with other people were rooted and grounded in [...]
One of recent graduates, Anthea Mitchell, is on the front cover of the Church Times this week. We are very proud! Congratulations Anthea. AN ASSISTANT curate in Maidstone, the Revd Anthea Mitchell, [...]
An online retreat based on weekly audios with accompanying prayer and reflection exercises February 6, 13, 20, 27, March 6 The Bible is a story of the relationship between a God who [...]
Congratulations to our first year ordinand, Molly Boot! Molly has just written a chapter entitled ‘When Did I Start Calling my Body ‘it’? Purity Culture, Trauma and Learning to Embody Liberation’. Review [...]
Anthea is a recent graduate from St Augustine's. Here she talks about her experience of ministry in her hairdressing salon and explains she gets paid to do peoples' hair - that's her [...]
This day retreat will now be a zoom retreat.... Saturday, 29th January, 10am to 3.30pm Cost £30. We also have a number of free tickets received from a very generous donor. To [...]
📗 Biblical Hebrew online (free course) ....LIMITED PLACES.... 📗 Starting in January this 10 week online course gives you a taster of what it would be like to learn a Biblical Language [...]
Chris Chapman will be leading this reflective morning on 4 December (10am-1pm) In this intro Chris tells us what to expect on the day... We live in times of division. Many of [...]
The Revd Jenny Corcoran joined us in October 2021 as Tutor for Lay Education, Practical Theology, and Old Testament. Jenny was previously Chaplain to the Bishop of Dover in the Diocese of [...]
“Enough formality to be proper yet with sufficient informality for all to be drawn in” was how one person described St Augustine’s College Celebration 2021. We gathered at St James’ Church, Bermondsey [...]