Katrina is an ordinand studying full-time at our West Malling campus. Katrina’s time at the college has helped solidify her faith and her certainty about her path. She intends to devote herself [...]
The Italians apparently have a saying which goes something like 'all translation is treason'. This is simply because no two languages are ever identical in grammar or underlying structure, so translation is [...]
Eddie Howells will be leading the retreat this week. Eddie will be reflecting on the kind of uncertainty that lockdown brings and how it affects our spiritual lives, John of the Cross [...]
When it was evening on that day, the first day of the week, and the doors of the house where the disciples had met were locked for fear of the Jews, Jesus [...]
By Chris Chapman, Tutor in Christian Spirituality Coranavirus has come amongst us, and we are in a state of shock. For a moment we feel we have adjusted, but then another [...]
We are now streaming morning prayer (9am) and Compline (9pm) and a Midday Meditation from Malling each day during the Corona Virus pandemic, which has forced the closure of the College buildings [...]
If you have an interest in St Augustine's, considering a programme of study here, or if your Director of Ordinands has encouraged you to check us out, please don't hesitate to contact [...]
We are pleased to announce that Paula Gooder, Canon Chancellor at St Paul’s Cathedral, has agreed to give an address at our next celebration of awards event. Furthermore, we have changed the [...]
Welcome to the new term and the beginning of 2020. My sabbatical has ended and I am no longer a hallucination: the man you saw who wasn’t there. Returning to my fully [...]
This is a new MA module at St Augustine’s, which will aim at deepening the understanding of spiritual direction (rather than training spiritual directors as such). It is intended for those new [...]