Celebrate summer, St Augustine’s Day, and a very special Sunday service
To celebrate the arrival of summer (and perhaps, if you’ve been lucky, the sun itself!) we’re sharing a summer edition of our monthly newsletter to bring you tidings over June and July.
We’ve got some great stories this edition, from a lowdown on the recent Lay Ministry event the College was lucky enough to host, to a brand-new spotlight story on one of our own alumni.
We hope you enjoy this month’s issue and that you have continue to enjoy a peaceful and blessed summer. And if you’re not already, sign up here to receive our monthly email newsletter straight to your inbox.
The congregation of St Philip and St James join St Augustine’s UKME group in worship and song

In early July, members of the College’s UK Minority Ethnic (UKME) and a few lucky guests joined the congregation of St Philip and St James, Avondale Square for a wonderful few hours of worship.
After joining forces to organised this special event, St Augustine’s UKME group and their friends at St Philip and St James welcomed a number of special guests. This included one of St Augustine’s own Honorary Fellows, The Bishop of Woolwich Karowie Dorgu, who delivered a memorable sermon to the congregation.
Everyone in attendance embraced the spirit of the service, enjoying American Gospel music, participating in African choral songs, and much more.
Celebrating St Augustine’s and uplifting Lay Ministry
In the past few months, the College has been lucky enough to play host to a number of exciting events; namely, St Augustine’s Day and a special all-day Lay Ministry event.
At this year’s Celebration of St Augustine, guests gathered together on the grounds of Malling Abbey, for a special lecture by esteemed theologian Prof David Ford on the Gospel of John.
Read more about the event in the words of our very own College principal, Rev Alan Gregory.
Alongside the celebration of our College’s namesake, St Augustine’s was also recently lucky enough to host a day of celebration and reflection on the calling of Lay Ministry.
One of our tutors, Rev Jenny Corcoran attended the event and has kindly reported on the day as a whole – read Jenny’s reflections on this very special day celebrating all things Lay Ministry.
Read Scripture in its original Hebrew with our Bibilical Hebrew course

With September fast approaching, it’s a great time to explore some of our Biblical Languages courses which are due to begin again with the new academic term.
Whether you’ve studied theology before and earned a degree or you’re brand new to theology (or languages!), the Biblical Hebrew language course represents an interesting new adventure for any scholar, whatever their level of experience.
Our language courses require significantly less study time compared to full degree programmes – ideal for folks with busy schedules who still want to enjoy learning.
“While I’d read the Bible before, I’d never studied theology before I began my training”
Following one’s call into ministry is a big decision, especially considering the level of academic study involved.
In this latest spotlight story, St Augustine’s alumni Annie Wanjohi chats about her journey to ordination and how she discovered an unexpected love of theological study.
“Studying at St Augustine’s College of Theology as an ordinand isn’t my first experience of university-level learning – in fact, it’s my fourth!
Despite my academic experience, I was unsure about going back to university. I knew that studying a subject like theology would be a massive challenge and there was a lot of anxiety in me about it.
Thankfully, I found a place to study theology and train for ordination that made everything possible…”
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In the meantime, have a sensational and suitably peaceful summer and we’ll be back with more College news, upcoming events, and exciting tidings soon.