Symposium 2025 - April 12th - you’re all invited With Nigel Barley, author of The Innocent Anthropologist: Notes from a Mud Hut. What happens when theology meets anthropology? Don’t [...]
Life Above: Birds, Ecology and Us - join our lecture on May 9th Is Christian life just about heaven above? Or can discipleship also mean caring for the birds [...]
Hear from tutor Guido de Graaff as he introduces our new MA Pathway, Theology for a Planet in Crisis. Naomi Klein's This Changes Everything, published in 2014, is a [...]
We’re delighted to introduce the Rev Dr Thomas Sharp, who will join St Augustine’s College of Theology as our new full-time tutor in Pastoral Theology in March 2025. Currently serving [...]
Our planet is suffering an environmental crisis – but how do we take responsibility for this, as people entrusted by God to care for his creation? And beyond that, [...]
We are a planet in environmental crisis – but how can we, as Christians, begin to reckon with this? As people living in the very world God entrusted us [...]
Finding spirituality through community: Lay Pioneer Andrea Campanale on what the new Lay Pioneer pathway is all about We spoke to Tutor in Mission and Pioneer Ministry, Andrea Campanale about the [...]
A message to students, staff and the St Augustine’s community From departing Chair of Trustees, Rev Jonathan Croucher To the students, staff and supporters of St Augustine’s College of Theology, It [...]
Celebrate summer, St Augustine's Day, and a very special Sunday service To celebrate the arrival of summer (and perhaps, if you’ve been lucky, the sun itself!) we’re sharing a summer edition [...]
Celebrating the impact of Lay Ministry in the South-East St Augustine’s College of Theology was recently honoured to host a day of celebration for all things Lay Ministry. Tutor Jenny Corcoran [...]