We are delighted that Sarah Mullally, the bishop of Credition, and St Augustine’s (SEITE) alumna has been nominated the 133rd Bishop of London. Sarah was ordained as a deacon in 2001 after theological [...]
We are delighted to announce that the Rev’d Dr Simon Stocks, our Tutor for Biblical Studies and Director of Reader Training, has achieved the laudable status of a Senior Fellow of the [...]
Join us at Malling Abbey on Saturday, 13th January 2018 to look at Mark's Gospel taking into account some of the outstanding British preachers and interpreters from the mid-20th Century. Led by Rev. [...]
Owing to the popularity of Ronni Lamon's course on children's spirituality, we are delighted to announce that St Augustine's will run the course again, this time at our Southwark teaching at Trinity [...]
On Wednesday, 15th November at Malling Abbey, West Malling and on the following Monday, 20th November, at Trinity House, Southwark, come and hear from former and present students, as well as from [...]
The summer seems to have passed away an age ago. On the 16th September, we held our Induction Day for sixty-four new students, our highest intake ever! Saju Muthalai and Sue Jeffs [...]
St Augustine’s is delighted to announce the first course offered by St Augustine’s Centre for Spirituality and Mission. St Augustine’s Centre for Spirituality and Mission, in partnership with the St Benedict’s Centre, [...]
Beginning in the Autumn, St Augustine's will provide classes in New Testament Greek and Biblical Hebrew. You don't need to be a registered student to join these courses, they are open to [...]
Summertime has arrived, so, as the song says, "the livin' is easy." Not altogether accurate, of course, since over the next few weeks St Augustine's office at Malling is open, as is [...]
We are delighted to announce that we have a new member of the core teaching staff. On September 1st, the Rev. Dr. John Seymour will begin his work as Tutor in Mission [...]