Chris Chapman will be leading this reflective morning on 4 December (10am-1pm) In this intro Chris tells us what to expect on the day... We live in times of division. Many of [...]
The Revd Jenny Corcoran joined us in October 2021 as Tutor for Lay Education, Practical Theology, and Old Testament. Jenny was previously Chaplain to the Bishop of Dover in the Diocese of [...]
“Enough formality to be proper yet with sufficient informality for all to be drawn in” was how one person described St Augustine’s College Celebration 2021. We gathered at St James’ Church, Bermondsey [...]
St Augustine’s is delighted to announce another series of audio retreats this year. For further information see here </wp-content/uploads/2021/09/St-Augustines-Audio-Retreat-Series-2021-22.docx.pdf> and a short introductory video here: <> * Seasons of the Spirit: [...]
This online course gives you a taster of what it would be like to learn a Biblical Language. Biblical Languages for Fun is a year-long set of weekly online sessions that provide [...]
For this retreat Chris Chapman will be joined by Dr Gemma Simmonds and Revd. Fabian Wuyts.... Each week will be a personal take on a Christian spiritual tradition or figure and the [...]
See Sam Wells' short introduction on what's planned for the Summer School here. To find out more and book your place see: Mission Summer School (
'A Cloud of Witnesses' What can we learn from the witness of people like Abraham and Sarah, Jeremiah, Job, Naomi and Ruth about the shape of God's invitation to us? Their journeys, [...]
Every one of our students has commitments outside the College – many of you will have families, and be working full- or part-time, as well as continuing to be involved with your [...]
Vicki is currently an Independent student, who joined us in September 2020 for a taster module whilst waiting for her BAP. We asked her to tell us what a difference her experience [...]