A couple of years ago we established the Tattersall Fund, which allows us to give much needed financial support to independent students unable to meet the full cost of fees. This is very [...]
In this week’s praying the parables Chris talks about the Night which belongs to the rhythm of our lives every bit as much as day. The book of Genesis describes God creating [...]
Harriet was appointed part-time Chaplain at St Augustine’s on 1 September. Harriet spent over 20 years working for the Foreign Office, in a mixture of jobs in London and overseas, including 4 [...]
I consciously believe, that right now in the life of the Church, God is opening up many opportunities for ministry in the Church of England. Theological colleges have a critical role to [...]
https://youtu.be/R0J447DocM0 Dear All As you can imagine, we’ve spent some time thinking about our recruitment practices for the coming year, especially with the likelihood of more time in lockdown and, almost certainly, [...]
Chris Chapman talks about when lockdown happened, and we were all thrown out of our routines, St Augustine’s hosted a series of online retreats exploring how we meet God in this experience. [...]
Please find below the audio resource and accompanying pdf here.