Tim is an ordinand studying full-time at our Southwark campus, in central London. Tim was unsure about whether he might be suited to church leadership but was inspired by the openness and [...]
Turning Lockdown into a Retreat Week 5 Exercises Barnabas will be reflecting on the invitation that this inhospitable time may nevertheless bring to us, to become aware of, and respond with care [...]
Barnabas Palfrey will be leading the retreat this week. Barnabas will be reflecting on the invitation that this inhospitable time may nevertheless bring to us, to become aware of, and respond with [...]
Katrina is an ordinand studying full-time at our West Malling campus. Katrina’s time at the college has helped solidify her faith and her certainty about her path. She intends to devote herself [...]
Esther is a first-year ordinand based in Surrey and studying full-time at our West Malling campus. With the help of the staff at St Augustine’s, Esther has been able to forge her [...]
The Italians apparently have a saying which goes something like 'all translation is treason'. This is simply because no two languages are ever identical in grammar or underlying structure, so translation is [...]
While many of the larger decisions of life have been taken from us at present, others are being thrown into sharper relief. This week Andrew Walker will help us think about discernment. [...]
Revd Andrew Walker was ordained in 1985 and has worked in parish ministry for much of that time as well as being the founder director of the London Centre for Spirituality. He [...]
Eddie Howells will be leading this week’s retreat. He will be reflecting on the kind of uncertainty that lockdown brings and how it affects our spiritual lives, John of the Cross knew [...]
Eddie Howells will be leading the retreat this week. Eddie will be reflecting on the kind of uncertainty that lockdown brings and how it affects our spiritual lives, John of the Cross [...]